The Foul Pool

the foul pool

One late summer night lit by a full moon, a camper decides to go for a dip to cool off. Not far from her camp site is a small pool of water hidden amongst some thick shrubs she had discovered earlier in the day. She disrobes and starts to tread her way to a deeper part of the pool, as the night was very hot and humid, she did not think twice about how murky the water was.

As she makes her way through the pool, her feet sink deeper into the slippery muddy bottom below. As with each step she can feel the slimy mud squeeze through between her toes. Suddenly something gives way below her feet and causes her to sink deeper in the mud. She gulps down water as she struggles to keep her head above. She is stuck! Her foot is caught between what feels like branches. Eventually she manages to break free and makes her way back to the shallow pool edge. She falls to her knees and coughs up the muddy water which seems to have a very foul taste. After catching her breath, she stands up and looks towards the disturbed pool, to her horror she sees a submerged rotting corpse! Its rib cage has been crushed open from her foot, and its rotten flesh which has fouled the pool, now stenches the air!

~ By Adrian Shaw
Published 20th Sept 2009


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The Foul Pool - 20 Sept 2009